How to control unwanted insect pests on your crop
Spider mites and russet-hemp mites: Spider mites generally live on the undersides of leaves where they puncture plant cells to feed. Hemp-russet mites prefer crotches. To eliminate spider or russet mites, spray up to 1 fl oz of Chester Boone’s PURE per gallon of water, concentrating on spraying under leaves, the vertical stem, the branch crotches and the petiole (leaf stem). Repeat spray up to 1 fl oz of Chester Boone’s PURE per gallon of water, wait three days and then follow up three times a week with up to 2 fl oz Chester Boone’s All Purpose per gallon of water to maintain hygiene. Chester Boone’s All Purpose will prevent further mite events if used regularly as directed.
![Spider mite life cycle image](
![Thrip life cycle image](
Thrips: Greenhouse thrips hatchlings congregate openly on the undersides of lower leaves. Spray with up to 2 fl oz of Chester Boone’s All Purpose per gallon of water under and over lower leaves, stem and crotches. All Purpose will prevent further events if used regularly as directed.
Fungus gnats: Fungus gnats may readily be controlled by adding Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis larvicide (BTI) to the irrigation water. BTI will interrupt their life cycle. Follow label directions. Adult fungus gnats look very similar to adult root aphids, and both will startle into flight if disturbed. Any adult flyers of either species will be controlled by contact with Chester Boone’s All Purpose mixed with up to 2 fl oz per gallon of water. Always follow label directions.
![fungus gnat life cycle image](
![aphid image examples](
Aphids: Aphids are highly mobile and can seem to be everywhere. Wherever aphids are, if you wet them with up to 1 fl oz of Chester Boone’s PURE per gallon of water, they will die. Maintain heightened greenhouse, floor and room hygiene. Spray with up to 2 fl oz per gallon of water of Chester Boone’s All Purpose three times a week to maintain hygiene.
Root aphids: Like all aphids, adult female root aphids give birth to live juvenile pregnant aphids in addition to laying eggs. Their population can explode rapidly. Although they live most of their life in the soil, adult root aphids lay eggs on lower foliage and branches. Spray with up to 1 fl oz of Chester Boone’s PURE per gallon of water, paying close attention to under leaves, in crotches and main stem. It is not necessary to spray crown, flowers or top of plants. Repeat spray Chester Boone’s PURE three days later, wait three days and then follow up three times a week with up to 2 fl oz of Chester Boone’s All Purpose per gallon of water to maintain hygiene.
Consider using the larvicide Beauveria bassiana. Chester Boone’s and beauveria bassiana are spray compatible. There is no need to flood or drench your crop when tank mixed, just spray to wet under the lower leaves, main stem and soil surface. This will cut the reproductive egg and hatch cycle. Follow label directions. Do not soak, saturate or drench your plants root ball, media, soil or grow block.
![root aphid image example](
![white fly life cycle image](
White fly: Spray with up to 2 fl oz of Chester Boone’s All Purpose per gallon of water. Consider using the larvicide Beauveria bassiana. Chester Boone’s and beauveria bassiana are spray compatible. Spray to wet under the leaves, along branches and anywhere pest is seen. Follow label directions. All Purpose will prevent further events if used regularly as directed.
With beauveria bassiana, be at least two weeks patient.